Wednesday, 14 May 2008

The Incident That I Found Odd

The question that most people ask upon finding out that we're opening up the house is 'don't you mind having strangers  traipsing through your home?' To this I can say quite honestly that I don't - otherwise I wouldn't have done it.

Of course we have taken security measures - actually, more than we had planned following T's (of the PMT duo) insistence that we protect ourselves against hordes of drunkards and thieves who might besiege us. And we have taken out insurance to protect against the unfortunate (hopefully, unlikely) circumstance of injury caused by art falling on someone's head. 

Our neighbours admit to being a bit nonplussed at seeing huddles of visitors devouring cake on our lawn, whereas I am merely bemused by their choice to sit lined up on a bench next to the compost bin - which does get a bit whiffy in warm weather.

But I will admit to being somewhat stumped on Bank Holiday Monday. We were closed that day. We got up late'ish and, as I put out the rubbish from the day before, a couple of people walked past me and into the house for a look around. Thank heaven I wasn't doing my Ena Sharples impersonation.

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